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a cyber-resilient society

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Adel Abusitta

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Dr. Adel Abusitta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. His main expertise lies in AI-powered Cybersecurity, Secure AI, IoT Security, and Malware Analysis. Dr. Abusitta worked on designing and implementing AI-powered Data Analytics for Discerning Malware Intent in collaboration with Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC). Additionally, he has been involved in designing and implementing novel methodologies, techniques, and models for the early detection, prevention, and mitigation of cyber-attacks. Before joining Polytechnique Montreal, Dr. Abusitta served as a data-driven cybersecurity researcher and consultant at the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO). He has worked closely with industrial partners to identify best practices for synthesizing sensitive data while achieving privacy-preserving machine learning without compromising accuracy.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Resilient artificial intelligence security
  • Trusted artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence for cybersecurity
  • Malware analysis
  • Cybersecurity and privacy
  • Intrusion detection systems
  • Internet of Things security
  • Cloud security

Alejandro Quintero

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Alejandro Quintero received the engineer degree in computer engineering from Los Andes, Colombia, in 1983. In June 1989, and in 1993, he received the diploma of advanced studies, and the Ph.D degree in computer engineering, respectively, from the INPG – Grenoble and Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France. He is currently a full professor at the department of computer and software engineering of Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada. His main research interests include Internet of Things, services and applications related to mobile computing, sensor networks, wireless networks, network security and security in mobile applications. Dr. Quintero is the co-author of two books, as well as over 120 other technical publications including journal and proceedings papers.

  • Telecommunication networks
  • Multimedia systems and networks
  • Mobile networks
  • Mobile network security
  • Wireless networks

Alina Dulipovici

IMC2 Deputy Director – Education

Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technologies

HEC Montréal

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Alina Dulipovici, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technologies at HEC Montréal. She is also a member of the Research Group in Information Systems (GReSI). Her expertise spans the areas of risk management of information assets, knowledge management systems in organizations, and privacy compliance. With a doctoral degree in Information Systems from Georgia State University in the United States, Alina Dulipovici actively contributes to cybersecurity courses and training programs at HEC Montréal and the Executive Education at HEC Montréal. She has published research articles in prestigious journals such as the European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information and Management, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, and Journal of Knowledge Management. Additionally, she has presented her work at various information systems and information security conferences.

  • Cybersecurity / Information Security
  • Employee security behaviors
  • Organizational culture supporting information asset protection
  • Risk management related to data protection
  • Organizational knowledge sharing
  • Ethics and privacy
  • Knowledge management systems in organizations
  • Strategic alignment of IT
  • Qualitative research methods


Amine Mhedhbi

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Amine Mhedhbi is an assistant professor at Polytechnique Montréal. He is interested in building and analyzing data management systems, with a focus on performance and debugging considerations, interface design, and applications. Amine earned his Ph.D. in 2023 from the University of Waterloo. His research has been recognized with a VLDB Best Paper Award, a Microsoft Ph.D. Fellowship Award, a Meta Ph.D. Fellowship Finalist designation, and a David R. Cheriton Graduate Scholarship.

  • Data management
  • Data analysis
  • Query processing
  • Query optimization
  • Graph structured databases
  • Computer systems
  • Middleware and caching

Benoit Aubert

Professor in the Department of Information Technologies

HEC Montréal

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Benoit A. Aubert is Professor of Information Technologies at HEC Montréal (Canada) and a Fellow of the CIRANO (Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis on Organizations). His past roles include Director of the Rowe School of Business at Dalhousie University (Canada), Head of the School of Information Management and Professor at Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) and President and CEO of CIRANO. He as a long track record of research project and industry collaboration in risk management, looking both at specific IT risks as well as integrated risk management in organizations. He is currently Senior Editor (and Deputy EiC) of Journal of Strategic Information Systems. He is conference co-chair for Americas Conference on Information Systems in 2025.

  • Risk management and governance
  • Innovation, frugal innovation
  • Outsourcing and offshoring, contracts
  • Organizational transformation, platforms, and new business models

Benoit Baudry

Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

Université de Montréal

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Benoit Baudry is a Professor of Software Engineering at the Université de Montréal. His research interests include coding analysis and transformation, software testing, software diversity, and dependency management. He focuses on executable software and contributes to open-source software for algorithmic art.

He received his Ph.D. in 2003 from the Université de Rennes, France. He was a researcher at INRIA from 2004 to 2017 and a Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology from 2017 to 2023. He led the Diverse Software research team (INRIA) from 2012 to 2017 and the CASTOR research center (KTH-SAAB-Ericsson collaboration) from 2018 to 2022.

  • Software engineering
  • Software testing
  • Software diversity
  • Software supply chain
  • Software preservation

Benoit Desjardins

Full Clinical Professor at the Faculty of Medicine – Department of Radiology, Radiation Oncology, and Nuclear Medicine

Université de Montréal

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Benoit Desjardins is a Full Clinical Professor at the University of Montreal (CHUM). He earned his doctorate and several simultaneous master’s degrees at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie-Mellon University, combining artificial intelligence, pure mathematics, and formal philosophy (logic). He pursued his career at the University of Michigan (2002-2008) and the University of Pennsylvania (2008-2024), where he was co-director of the Arrhythmia Imaging Research Laboratory.

He is a global expert in three areas: (1) cardiovascular imaging, (2) artificial intelligence, and (3) cybersecurity. He has given over 200 invited presentations in these three fields.

He is a radiologist specializing in cardiovascular imaging. He has received several honorary Fellowships in this field: FACR, FAHA, FNASCI. In spring 2022, he spent six months on sabbatical at Stanford.

He is a renowned hacker and has won hacking competitions. His research focuses on medical image cybersecurity and the intersection between cybersecurity and AI. He consults for the FBI, is responsible for the annual cybersecurity course at RSNA, and is a member of the HIMSS cybersecurity committee.

He holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is a competitive sharpshooter, and is an FPV drone racing pilot.

  • Cardiovascular imaging
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Cardiac CT and MRI
  • Generative artificial intelligence
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Artificial intelligence for medical imaging
  • Healthcare cybersecurity
  • DICOM image cybersecurity
  • Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity

Benoît Dupont

IMC2 Deputy Director – Public Policies

Professor in the School of Criminology

Université de Montréal

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Benoît Dupont holds the Canada Research Chair in Cyber Resilience and the philanthropic research chair in Cybercrime Prevention. He is a full professor at the School of Criminology at the University of Montreal and Scientific Director of the Human-Centric Cybersecurity Partnership (HC2P), which he founded in 2021. He also serves as an observer representing the research community on the board of the Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange (CCTX) and is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Council of Canadian Academies.

  • Identity theft
  • Computer hacking
  • Telecommunications fraud
  • Technological ecosystems
  • Cybersecurity policies
  • Security governance
  • Cybercrime
  • Information technologies
  • Delinquency
  • Online banking fraud

Benoît Robert

Professor in the Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Civil engineer by training, Benoît Robert holds a Ph.D. in expert systems in hydraulic structure design. After conducting numerous studies on dam failure risks, he founded a research center on integrating risks into the performance evaluation of essential systems (Risk & Performance Center). This center specializes in studying domino effects among multiple networks subject to hazards of anthropogenic origin, including combinations of natural, technological, human, computer-related events, and malicious acts. A web platform dedicated to modeling the temporal and spatial propagation of domino effects among essential systems has been developed. His current research projects focus on the resilience of SMEs and territories in the context of climate change and the energy transition to electricity. He teaches risk management and emergency measures for municipalities, as well as resilience engineering and operational continuity for organizations and industries.

  • Risk analysis and management
  • Emergency response planning
  • Operational continuity
  • Organizational resilience
  • Resilience engineering
  • Interdependencies among critical infrastructures

Caroline Aubé

Professor in the Department of Management

Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer

HEC Montréal

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Caroline Aubé is a full professor in the Department of Management at HEC Montréal. She teaches courses on organizational behavior in graduate programs and at Executive Education. In terms of research, she holds a chair on team management and effectiveness. Her research has been published in various scientific journals in the field, including Group and Organization Management, Small Group Research, and Group Dynamics. As a member of the management committee at HEC Montréal, she has been the Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer since 2019. Since 2023, she has also chaired the Research Committee of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire, which brings together all the vice-rectors of research from Québec universities. With a Ph.D. in industrial psychology, Caroline Aubé is also a member of the Order of Psychologists of Québec.

  • Team management and effectiveness
  • Counterproductive work behaviors
  • Positive organizational behavior (e.g., flow, psychological capital)

Claude Ananou

Faculty Lecturer in the Management Department

HEC Montréal

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Claude Ananou has been a Faculty Lecturer at the Department of Management at HEC Montreal since 2000. He teaches in the areas of SME management, entrepreneurship, and law in Certificates, BBA, DESG, and MBA programs.

He has conducted missions on entrepreneur training in Africa through HEC Montreal’s International Projects and the AUF.

His fields of interest include entrepreneurship, particularly business opportunities, entrepreneurial culture, and succession in family businesses.

He is one of the initiators of the SynOpp approach, an alternative to the business plan, and has co-authored a book titled “From Intuition to Business Project” with Louis-Jacques Filion, published by Transcontinental Editions in 2010, and “Succeeding in Entrepreneurship – Without a Business Plan” published by Eyrolles Editions in 2012.

As a former Associate Professor at the University of Burgundy, he has also taught at the Troyes Graduate School of Business, INCG Sétif, IAE Réunion, and UQAM.

Holder of a B.Sc. and a law degree (Université de Montréal) as well as an MBA and a DESS (Private Wealth Management) from HEC Montreal.

Claude Ananou has been a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1980.

As the founder and owner of about ten companies, both in France, the Caribbean, and Canada, he has worked particularly in publishing, hospitality, healthcare, and advertising.

As a member of several boards of directors, he served on the board of the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship du Québec for over 10 years and is a member of the Entrepreneurship Roundtable of the FCCQ.

  • SynOpp Approach
  • Entrepreneurship
  • SME Management
  • Family Businesses
  • Business Law

Daniel Aloise

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Daniel Aloise received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2009. In 2010, he received the Classification Society Distinguished Dissertation Award for his Ph.D. thesis on exact methods for minimum sum-of-squares clustering, under the supervision of professor Pierre Hansen. He has published papers in leading data mining and operations research journals during his career. His research interests include machine learning, optimization, mathematical programming, and how these disciplines interact to tackle problems in the big data era. Prof. Aloise is a member of the GERAD (Group for Research in Decision Analysis) and a Fellow of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making.

  • Evolving, learning, and adaptive systems
  • Algorithms and optimization
  • Data science

David Décary-Hétu

Associate Professor at the School of Criminology

Université de Montréal

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Professor David Décary-Hétu holds a Ph.D. in criminology from the Université de Montréal (2013). He first worked as a research assistant professor at the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne before assuming his current position as associate professor at the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal. Prof. Décary-Hétu’s main research interests focus on the impacts of technology on crime. Through his innovative approach based on large and small data sets, as well as social network analysis, Prof. Décary-Hétu studies how offenders adopt and use technologies and how these choices shape the regulation of delinquency and the study of offenders by researchers. Professor Décary-Hétu directs the Darknet and Anonymity Research Center (DARC), which was funded by the John R. Evans Leaders Fund from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. His team collects and studies data from all types of offenders who use anonymity technologies such as the dark web, cryptocurrencies, and encryption. Prof. Décary-Hétu has published in leading academic journals and is regularly invited to the media to comment on recent events.

  • Crime analysis
  • Network analysis
  • Big data
  • Online data collection
  • Organized crime
  • Drugs
  • Online banking fraud
  • Intellectual property fraud
  • Illicit markets
  • Quantitative methods
  • Hacking
  • Criminal networks
  • Criminal success

Esma Aïmeur

Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

Université de Montréal

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Esma Aïmeur is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Université de Montréal. She is the director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for Cybersecurity.

Her most recent research focuses on generative artificial intelligence, online deception, fake news, social networks, cybersecurity awareness, artificial intelligence ethics, and privacy preservation.

Since 2021, she has chaired the annual workshop (AIofAI) associated with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) on the adverse impacts and collateral effects of artificial intelligence technologies.

In 2022, she participated in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at the Université de Montréal on artificial intelligence techniques (from foundations to applications).

In February 2024, she was an honorary member of the Cannes World Festival of Artificial Intelligence (WAICF 2024).

Esma Aïmeur is an associate editor for Artificial Intelligence for Human Learning and Behavior Change, and for Ai-Open. She is also a member of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Society (OBVIA).

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Virtual assistants (chatbots)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Personal data protection
  • Privacy preservation
  • Disinformation, fake news
  • Cybersecurity policies
  • Generative artificial intelligence
  • Ethics of artificial intelligence
  • Social media
  • Secure profile management
  • Personalization techniques
  • Digital hygiene
  • Distance learning
  • Recommendation systems
  • Cybersecurity awareness
  • Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (CRIHN)
  • Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique (OBVIA)

Ettore Merlo

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Ettore Merlo is a Full Professor at Polytechnique Montreal in the Department of Computer and Software Engineering, since 1993. Prior to joining Polytechnique, he was the Lead Researcher of the software engineering group at the Computer Research Institute of Montreal (CRIM).

His research interests and experience are in software engineering, software analysis, application security, software testing, re engineering, and artificial intelligence. He has also performed collaborative research in bio-informatics and human genetics.

Past research academic and industrial projects involved automated approaches to generate tests data for DB-2 SQL optimizer, automated roles and privileges security vulnerability analysis, root cause vulnerability identification, and automated repairs.

Other projects investigated large scale similarity analysis for software applications, test suites, protection of software intellectual property, and malicious “phishing kits” source code.

Prof. Merlo research work also includes model-driven analysis of swarm robotics applications in the context of safety and security formal analysis of source code.

Prof. Merlo participates in the DEpendable Explainable Learning (DEEL) collaborative project to assess the risks and feasibility of reliability analysis of artificial intelligence approaches into the avionics domain. In the DEEL project, Prof Merlo’s team is also investigating the model robustness and testing of the inferred models in a trustworthy AI perspective.

Recent Prof. Merlo’s interests include AI fairness, bias, and ethics.

  • Artificial intelligence,
  • Trustworthy AI
  • AI fairness, bias, and ethics
  • AI applications
  • Cyber-security
  • Software application security
  • Vulnerability detection
  • Automated repairs
  • Root cause analysis
  • Phishing kits analysis and detection (campaigns, risks)
  • Software intellectual property protection
  • Software engineering
  • Software artifact analysis
  • Software similarity analysis
  • Clone detection
  • Software re-engineering
  • Software quality assessment
  • Sofyware testing (selection, test generation)
  • Bio-informatics

Felipe Gohring de Magalhães

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Felipe Gohring de Magalhães obtained his B. Sc. A and his MSc degree from PUC-RS, in Brazil.

He obtained his PhD degree, in 2016, on a double-degree agreement between PUC-RS and Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal. As such, he has both Computer Science and Computer Engineer degrees.

He has been working at Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) since July 2018, where, since October 2024 he is a professor in the Computer and Software Engineering Department.

Prof. Gohring interests are (but not limited to) integrated silicon photonics, real-time systems, embedded systems architectures, avionics systems and cyber-security. He published two book chapters and is author/co-author of more than 40 articles in journals and international conferences.

  • Embedded systems architectures
  • Real-time systems
  • Avionic Systems (architecture, standards and certification)
  • Modeling, simulation and design space exploration for the design of advanced systems integrating modern technologies such as optical networks in chip, wireless intra-chip architectures and heterogeneous systems
  • Cybersecurity for emerging technologies
  • Multicore system design space exploration
  • Modeling, simulation and prototyping of embedded hardware solutions

Foutse Khomh

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Foutse Khomh is a Full Professor of Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, a Canada CIFAR AI Chair on Trustworthy Machine Learning Software Systems, an NSERC Arthur B. McDonald Fellow, and an FRQ-IVADO Research Chair on Software Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Applications. He received a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from the University of Montreal in 2011, with the Award of Excellence. He also received a CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher Prize for 2019. His research interests include software maintenance and evolution, machine learning systems engineering, cloud engineering, and dependable and trustworthy ML/AI. His work has received four ten-year Most Influential Paper (MIP) Awards, and seven Best/Distinguished Paper Awards. He initiated and co-organized the Software Engineering for Machine Learning Applications (SEMLA) symposium and the RELENG (Release Engineering) workshop series. He is co-founder of the NSERC CREATE SE4AI: A Training Program on the Development, Deployment, and Servicing of Artificial Intelligence-based Software Systems and one of the Principal Investigators of the DEpendable Explainable Learning (DEEL) project. He is also a co-founder of Quebec’s initiative on Trustworthy AI (Confiance IA Quebec) and Scientific co-director of IVADO. He is on the editorial board of multiple international software engineering journals (e.g., IEEE Software, EMSE, JSEP) and is a Senior Member of IEEE.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Information technology
  • Software engineering
  • Software and development
  • Software maintenance and evolution
  • Cloud engineering
  • Software services engineering
  • Machine learning systems engineering
  • Trustworthy and reliable artificial intelligence

Francis Fortin

Associate Professor in the School of Criminology

Université de Montréal

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Francis Fortin, Ph.D. in criminology, is a professor at the School of Criminology, Université de Montréal, and a researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology (ICCC). Previously, he worked at the Sûreté du Québec, holding roles such as criminal intelligence analyst and cyber-surveillance team leader. His research encompasses cybercrime, intelligence, data mining, and forensic analysis. Fortin is also an author of several scientific articles and books on the criminal use of new technologies and their perpetrators.

  • Legal linguistics
  • Pornography
  • Law and cybersecurity
  • Public safety
  • Social networks
  • Network analysis
  • Online sexual offenders
  • Online data collection

Founding member of the Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire de linguistique légale (GRILL)

Researcher at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology (CICC)

Regular researcher at the Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel (INPL)

Founder of the Groupe sur l’Analyse, la Recherche et le Développement En Source Ouverte (GARDESO)

Frédéric Cuppens

IMC2 Director

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Frédéric Cuppens is a full professor at Polytechnique Montréal. Since 2023, he has been the director of the IMC2 and is responsible for the GEDAI institutional Chair on the identification, analysis, and automation of insider deviations and anomalies management. In 2002, he co-created a professional master’s program in cybersecurity. From 2003 to 2020, he was a professor at IMT Atlantique and head of the IRIS team at Lab-STICC. He held the Cyber CNI Chair on Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. From 2014 to 2018, he led the Training Club at the Cyber Excellence Hub.

  • Intrusion detection and response
  • Analysis and management of insider threat
  • Access and usage control policy
  • Trust modeling and management
  • Cybersecurity and cyber-resilience

Frederic Schlackl

Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technologies

HEC Montréal

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Frederic Schlackl is an Assistant Professor at HEC Montréal. His research focuses on data breaches and privacy violations, and how organizations and individuals address them. He holds a Ph.D. in Information Systems and a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Mannheim.

  • Data breaches
  • Privacy violations
  • User behavior in cybersecurity
  • Information security management

Fyscillia Ream

Scientific Coordinator of the Research Chair in Cybercrime Prevention

Université de Montréal

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Fyscillia Ream is the scientific coordinator of the Research Chair in Cybercrime Prevention, where she coordinates the Chair’s activities and supervises students. Previously, Fyscillia was an editorial assistant at the Criminology Review and scientific coordinator at the Integrated Network on Cybersecurity (SERENE-RISC), where she was responsible for popularizing scientific articles and knowledge mobilization projects. In her free time, Fyscillia is also a doctoral candidate in criminology at the Université de Montréal. Her thesis focuses on internal human risk management in Canadian financial institutions.

  • Cybersecurity policies
  • Crime analysis
  • Information technology
  • Cybercrime

Gabriela Nicolescu

Full Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Gabriela Nicolescu obtained her B.Sc.A. (specialization in Electronics) in 1998 and her Master’s degree from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1999.

She defended her doctoral thesis in November 2002 and obtained a Ph.D. in Microelectronics from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INPG) in Grenoble. She subsequently received the award for the best thesis in microelectronics in 2003. Later, she was awarded a CRSNG-NATO fellowship for a postdoc at the University of Montreal in collaboration with STMicroelectronics.

In August 2003, she became a professor at Polytechnique Montréal. In June 2011, she was appointed full professor.

Gabriela Nicolescu’s research interests focus on design methods, programming, and security of advanced systems integrating modern technologies such as 3D integration, optical networks, or MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems).

Dr. Nicolescu is a member of the Quebec Order of Engineers (OIQ), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Quebec Microsystems Strategic Alliance (QMSA).

  • Avionics security, cyber-physical systems security
  • Advanced programming models for parallel multi-core or many-core avionics systems
  • Modeling, simulation, and solution space exploration for the design of advanced systems integrating modern technologies such as 3D chip systems, network-on-chip, opto-electro-mechanical heterogeneous systems

Gilles Brassard

Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research

Université de Montréal

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Gilles Brassard obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University in 1979. He has been a professor at Université de Montréal since that time, and holds the Canada Research Chair in Quantum Information Science since 2001. He is also a member of the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) and the Institut transdisciplinaire d’information quantique (INTRIQ), two strategic clusters funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT).

Since the beginning of his career, Professor Brassard has had a passionate interest in all aspects of quantum computing, a field he largely contributed to creating by combining the principles of quantum mechanics and computer science. He invented quantum cryptography, which allows the secure transmission of data, and quantum teleportation, for which he was predicted to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. A video  produced by Québec Science and the Fonds de recherche du Québec as part of the “Que sont devenues nos découvertes de jadis?”  series tells the story of his discovery of quantum teleportation together with Claude Crépeau from McGill University, which was named as one of the 10 discoveries of the year in 1993 by Québec Science.

The recipient of 30 honours and distinctions, including the Prix Marie-Victorin, the Killam Prize, the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering and the Rank Prize, Gilles Brassard holds three honorary doctorate degrees, is an Officer of the Order of Canada and the Ordre national du Québec, and is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Royal Society of London.

  • Quantum computing
  • Cryptography
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Foundations of quantum theory
  • Quantum information science
  • Theoretical computer science
  • Quantum entanglement
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Right of Privacy
  • Pseudotelepathy
  • Quantum teleportation
  • Mathematical optimization
  • Quantum information theory
  • Quantum key distribution protocols

Gunes Karabulut-Kurt

Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Gunes Karabulut-Kurt holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in the New Frontiers of Space Communications and is an Associate Professor at Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada. From 2010 to 2021, she was a professor at Istanbul Technical University. She is a recipient of the Marie Curie Prize and received the Outstanding Young Scientist Award from the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA-GEBIP) in 2019. She earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, ON, Canada.

  • Telecommunications systems
  • Telecommunications networks
  • Mobile and personal telecommunications
  • Wireless telecommunications systems
  • Cognitive cyber-physical systems
  • Experimental design verification activities
  • Joint communication and computing systems
  • Wireless networks optimized for Machine Learning
  • Satellite and space networks
  • Wireless security systems

Hanane Dagdougui

Associate Professor Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Hanane Dagdougui holds the NSERC-Hydro-Québec-Mitacs Industrial Research Chair in Future Energy Network Optimization (OSEF). She is a regular member of GERAD (Group for Research in Decision Analysis), Mila (Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute), and the RQEI research center (Quebec Intelligent Energy Network). Before joining Polytechnique Montréal in 2017, she was a research assistant at the Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering in Genoa, and then an institutional researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering at ÉTS Montréal. Her research interests include algorithms, operations research, and artificial intelligence. She is particularly interested in the applications of optimization techniques and machine learning to problems in smart grids, microgrids, buildings, and electric vehicle charging infrastructures. She is the author and co-author of several books, book chapters, and over 70 articles in reputable international journals and conferences.

  • Energy conversion and distribution
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Optimization and optimal control theories
  • Distributed optimization algorithms
  • Cybersecurity of electrical networks
  • Modeling, optimization, and control of smart electrical networks
  • Methods for predicting renewable energy and consumption in buildings
  • Energy management algorithms and demand response in buildings
  • Intelligent strategies for electric vehicles charging in the network

Jean Pierre David

Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Jean Pierre David obtained his Ph.D. from the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) in 2002. He then became an assistant professor at the Université de Montréal before transitioning to Polytechnique Montréal in 2006. In 2021, he was promoted to the position of full professor. His research focuses on the efficient design of digital systems, reconfigurable computing, hardware synthesis from high-level descriptions, specialized arithmetic, and their practical applications, particularly in signal processing, real-time simulation, network communications, and cryptography. Since 2014, he has been interested in low-precision arithmetic for neural networks aimed at their efficient hardware implementation. He is notably the author of “Binaryconnect: Training Deep Neural Networks with Binary Weights during propagations,” a fundamental contribution in the field of binary neural networks.

  • Design, configuration, and programming of digital systems
  • Programmable logic systems (FPGAs, microcontrollers)
  • Rapid, secure, and simple design of complex digital architectures
  • Hardware description languages (HDL)
  • Specialized arithmetic circuits
  • Real-time simulation (Hardware In the Loop HIL)
  • High-speed communications
  • Applications and security of digital systems
  • Artificial intelligence, neural networks, and their implementations
  • Microsystems Strategic Alliance of Québec (ReSMIQ)
  • Microelectronics and Microsystems Research Group (GR2M)

Jean-François Godbout

Professor in the Department of Political Science

Université de Montréal

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Jean-François Godbout is a full professor in the Department of Political Science at the Université de Montréal, a visiting researcher at Mila – the Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute, and director of the microprogram in Big Data Analysis in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. His research focuses mainly on data science, AI, and machine learning. He is currently studying disinformation and political polarization on social media. He has published the book “Lost on Division: Party Unity in the Canadian Parliament” and several other analyses on generative AI, parliamentarism, and political parties.

  • Data science
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Disinformation
  • Public opinion and elections
  • Comparative political institutions, Québec, Canada, United States

Jérôme Le Ny

Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Before joining the Department of Electrical Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal in 2012, Jérôme Le Ny was a postdoctoral researcher at the GRASP Laboratory (robotics) and the PRECISE Center (embedded systems) at the University of Pennsylvania. A graduate of the École Polytechnique in France, he then obtained a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2003, and a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in aerospace engineering in 2008. In 2018-2019, he was a visiting researcher at the Technical University of Munich. His research focuses on control theory, particularly for complex distributed systems. He is particularly interested in designing safe critical automated systems and developing intelligent infrastructures that respect the data privacy of their users.

  • Control systems, automation
  • Robotics, autonomous systems, navigation systems
  • Data privacy and intelligent infrastructures
  • Verification and security of cyber-physical systems
  • Applications in transportation and energy

Julien Le Maux

Professor in the Department of Accounting

HEC Montréal

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Julien Le Maux is a Full Professor in the Department of Accounting Sciences at HEC Montréal. He is a member of the Interuniversity Research Center on Organizations Analysis (CIRANO).

His main areas of study include corporate governance, white-collar crime, and cybercrime.

He publishes articles in scientific and professional journals and presents conferences on these various topics.

Author of the books “Financial Analysis” (Chenelière Éducation) and “Governance, Financial Information Quality, and Fraud” (JFD Éditions), he is responsible for the Master’s program in Accounting, Control, and Audit at HEC Montréal, editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Case Studies in Management, and directs the HEC Montréal Case Center.

  • Corporate governance
  • Fight against white-collar crime
  • Business valuation
  • Cybersecurity

Marc Gervais

IMC2 Executive Director

Polytechnique Montréal

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Holder of a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland, Marc Gervais worked for over 15 years in the field of aerospace development, research, innovation, and management in the United States and Europe before joining IMC2 as Executive Director upon its launch.

Martin Boyer

Professor in the Department of Finance

HEC Montréal

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Martin Boyer is a Full Professor in the Department of Finance at HEC Montréal and a Fellow at CIRANO. He previously served as the director of the Department of Finance at HEC Montréal and of the Assurances et gestion des risques journal, and he was the president of the Northern Finance Association and the American Risk and Insurance Association. He holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the Université de Montréal and a Ph.D. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He has authored nearly a hundred articles published in scientific and professional journals and has contributed to over a dozen opinion pieces in Québec newspapers. He has been a visiting professor at the University of British Columbia, the University of New South Wales, Cornell University, the Rotman School at the University of Toronto, the University of St. Gallen, and Florida State University. He is currently a visiting researcher in the Department of Economics at the Université de Montréal.

  • Insurance
  • Risk management
  • Consumer behavior in the face of uncertainty
  • Information management


Martine Bellaïche

Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Martine Bellaïche is a professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering at Polytechnique. She earned a master’s degree in Computer Science from the Université de Montréal in 1985 and a Ph.D. in Telecommunications from INRS, Université de Québec. She supervises students at the master’s and Ph.D. levels. Her research interests focus on network security (Internet of Things, cloud computing, VANET), particularly on attack detection and prevention, Intrusion Detection Systems, risk assessment, and security system performance evaluation.

  • Telecommunication systems
  • Telecommunication networks
  • Algorithms
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network security
  • Attack prevention and detection
  • Evaluation and performance measurement of defense systems against attacks
  • Defense against Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
  • Security in sensor networks and vehicular networks (VANET)
  • Cloud security
  • Internet of Things security

Masarah Paquet-Clouston

Assistant Professor in the School of Criminology

Université de Montréal

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Masarah Paquet-Clouston is an assistant professor in criminology at the Université de Montréal and an external faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna. She also leads the research laboratory, the EconCrime Lab, a research center focused on discovering and understanding emerging economic crimes. In the past, she worked for five years as a cybersecurity researcher in the private sector. She has presented the results of her research at various international conferences, including Black Hat USA, DEF CON, CERT-EU, NorthSec, RSA, and Virus Bulletin.

  • Economic and financial delinquency
  • Cybercrime
  • Information technologies
  • Banking fraud
  • Illicit markets
  • Cybersecurity policies
  • Quantitative methods
  • Network analysis
  • Crime analysis

Mohammad Hamdaqa

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Mohammad Hamdaqa, an assistant professor at Polytechnique Montréal, leads the Software and Emerging Technologies (SæT) Laboratory and also holds an adjunct professor position at the University of Reykjavik. Specializing in model abstraction, automation, and analysis, his research aims at developing reliable, secure, and sustainable systems. He particularly emphasizes machine learning and dynamic and static analysis, collaborating with models to innovate in the conceptualization of reliable software. His vision promotes empowering citizen developers through accessible low-code platforms. Prof. Hamdaqa has notably advanced the development and auditing of smart contracts, from modeling to code generation and automatic auditing. He leads initiatives to develop automated auditing approaches that enhance smart contract security by integrating code similarity and code transformation. As a co-founder of the Financial Technology Center in Reykjavik, he contributes to interdisciplinary research on fintech. A member of the Multidisciplinary Institute for Cybersecurity and Cyber-Resilience (IMC2), the Québec SEMLA group, the Icelandic Blockchain Foundation, the IEEE CS, and the ACM, he is a key player in advancing emerging technologies and cybersecurity.

  • Software Engineering
  • Software Auditing and Compliance
  • Software Security and Safety
  • Software Sustainability
  • AIware (AI-powered software) / ML4SE
  • DevSecOps
  • Smart Contracts (Blockchain, Identity Management)
  • Digital Twin / Industry 4.0 – Privacy, Saftey and Security
  • Low-code/No-code Platforms (Intention-Driven Development)
  • Models Abstraction and Simulation
  • Cloud-Native Applications
  • SE for Emerging Computing Platforms (e.g., Quantum Computing)

Mouna Hazgui

Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting

HEC Montréal

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Mouna Hazgui is an Associate Professor at HEC Montréal. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a professorship in accounting expertise development. Her research interests revolve around the evolution of the accounting profession and auditing in the context of digital transformation, extending to the production and verification of non-financial information. Her research, employing qualitative and interpretative methodologies, has been published in renowned journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, European Accounting Review, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, and Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit. Additionally, she serves as a member on several editorial boards of scientific journals, including Comptabilité, Contrôle et Audit, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Accounting Forum, Accounting Horizons, and Accounting Perspectives.

  • Regulation and evolution of the accounting profession: Technologies, sustainability, and other practical issues

Nicolas Saunier

Professor in the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Nicolas Saunier holds a degree in engineering and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Télécom Paris. He worked for four years at the National Institute for Transport and Safety Research (INRETS, now IFSTTAR and part of Gustave Eiffel University) for his Ph.D., and then four years in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC) with Professor Tarek Sayed. In 2015, he spent a four-month sabbatical at the Department of Roads and Transport at Lund University. He was recruited in 2009 to the Department of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, where he is currently a full professor in transportation engineering. Specialized in artificial intelligence, his research interests include active and intelligent transportation, road safety, and data science for transportation.

His research has been funded by public and private sources, notably the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et Technologies (FRQNT), the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO), Transport Québec (MTQ), Transport Canada, the City of Montreal, and WSP Canada.

He is a member of IVADO, the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Sustainable Development Operationalization (CIRODD), and the Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks, Logistics, and Transportation (CIRRELT), and co-directs its laboratory for intelligent transportation systems (STI). He sits on the executive committees of CIRRELT and the Road Safety Research Network (RRSR). He has been a member of three committees of the Transportation Research Board (TRB): Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications (ABJ70) (2011-2017), Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (ANB20-ACS20) (2011-2022), and Pedestrians (ANF10) (2011-2020).

  • Information technology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Road safety
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Active transportation: pedestrians, cyclists
  • Machine learning
  • Data processing
  • Database
  • Visualization
  • Computer vision
  • Robotics
  • Programming
  • Open research (open data and software)

Nicolas Vermeys

Professor in the Faculty of Law

Université de Montréal

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Nicolas Vermeys, LL. D. (Université de Montréal), LL. M. (Université de Montréal), CISSP, is the Director of the Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP), the Associate Director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, and a Professor at the Université de Montréal’s Faculté de droit.

Mr. Vermeys is a member of the Quebec Bar, as well as a certified information system security professional (CISSP) as recognized by (ISC)2, and is the author of numerous publications relating to the impact of technology on the law, including Droit codifié et nouvelles technologies : le Code civil (Yvon Blais, 2015), and Responsabilité civile et sécurité informationnelle (Yvon Blais, 2010).

Mr. Vermeys’ research focuses on legal issues pertaining to artificial intelligence, information security, developments in the field of cyberjustice, and other questions relating to the impact of technological innovations on the law. He is often invited to speak on these topics by the media, and regularly lectures for judges, lawyers, professional orders, and government organizations, in Canada and abroad.

  • Cyberjustice
  • Law and Information Security
  • Law and Artificial Intelligence

Nora Boulahia Cuppens

IMC2 Deputy Director – Research

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Nora Boulahia Cuppens is a full professor at Polytechnique Montréal in the Department of Computer and Software Engineering. She is the Deputy Director of Research at the Multidisciplinary Institute for Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience (IMC2), and since 2021, she has been responsible for the CRITICAL chair on cybersecurity in the maritime sector. She obtained a Ph.D. from the National School of Aeronautics and Space and a ‘Habilitation’ to Direct Research from the University of Rennes 1 in France. Her research focuses on the three dimensions of cybersecurity: protection (Identity and Access Management, security policies, and protocols), defense (intrusion detection and responses), and resilience (moving target, functional diversification) in sectors of interest such as critical infrastructures, transportation, and 5G.

  • Cybersecurity and cyber-resilience
  • IAM
  • Security policies and protocols
  • Intrusion detection and responses
  • Critical infrastructures
  • Transport
  • 5G

Olivier Grenier

Associate Director, Innovation and Impact

Polytechnique Montréal

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As a physicist engineer by training, Mr. Grenier has over 20 years of experience in the academic field. He has always been interested in university-industry interactions, first as the director of a shared infrastructure in materials science and then as a research administrator. He has been serving on the board of directors of PROMPT for 5 years.

As Associate Director – Innovation and Impact, he leads the teams responsible for grants, contracts, technology transfer, and financial administration of research at Polytechnique Montréal. He is responsible for supporting innovation, fostering the emergence of major initiatives, and showcasing the impacts of research.

Omar Abdul Wahab

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Omar Abdul Wahab has been a professor at Polytechnique Montréal since August 2022. He works in the field of cybersecurity, exploring its various aspects: technical, human, environmental, and strategic. He successfully coordinates several research projects in collaboration with government and industrial partners, dedicated to developing innovative solutions to secure advanced technologies such as Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. He also serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing journal.

  • Cyber defense and cyber resilience
  • Internet of Things security
  • Artificial Intelligence security
  • Cloud security
  • Intrusion detection and identification
  • Incident response
  • Threat intelligence
  • Strategic decision-making in cybersecurity
  • Environmental and human implications of cybersecurity

Philippe Bourbeau

Professor, Department of International Business

HEC Montréal

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Philippe Bourbeau is a full professor in international affairs and co-director of the International Institute of Economic Diplomacy at HEC Montréal. Previously, he was a professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge and held a Canada Research Chair in Immigration and Security. A collaborative manager and catalyst for innovative ideas, he has extensive expertise in institutional development, an excellent publication record, a considerable portfolio of external funding, and a significant network of professional and academic contacts.

  • International Order
  • Organizational Resilience
  • Comparative Immigration Policies
  • Security Studies

Co-director, International Institute of Economic Diplomacy, HEC Montréal

Member, Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge

Personal page: philippebourbeau.net/

Philippe Doyon-Poulin

Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical and Industrial Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Philippe Doyon-Poulin is a professor in cognitive engineering at Polytechnique Montréal and a member of the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO). He teaches and conducts research on the design and evaluation of control stations for decision-making in complex systems. His research themes include situation awareness, mental workload, human performance, interactivity, and data visualization for safety-critical systems. His work is applied in the fields of aviation, medicine, and manufacturing. He spent 8 years in human factors engineering at Bombardier Aerospace, where he authored over 25 certification reports to demonstrate compliance with new aviation regulations regarding cockpit usability (525.1302) and human error (525.1309).

  • User-centered design
  • Usability
  • User experience (UX)
  • Cognitive engineering
  • Human factors in aviation
  • Human performance assessment
  • Cockpit design

Quentin Cappart

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Quentin Cappart is a professor at Polytechnique Montréal in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. He is also a regular member of CIRRELT, a member of the Association for Constraint Programming, and an affiliated member of MILA. He leads the CORAIL research group, which he co-founded.

Prior to this position, he was a post-doctoral fellow at IVADO at Polytechnique Montréal and worked as a research intern at ElementAI (now ServiceNow Research). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (2012), a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering (2014), a Master’s degree in Management (2018), and a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (2017) from the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

  • Operations research and management science
  • Optimization
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Constraint programming
  • Search algorithms
  • Operations research
  • Machine learning

Samuel Pierre

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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For the full biography of Professor Samuel Pierre, please visit the following page: https://www.larim.polymtl.ca/index.php/biographie

  • Telecommunication systems
  • Telecommunication networks
  • Mobile and personal telecommunications
  • Wireless telecommunication systems
  • Mobile networking
  • Mobile computing
  • Distributed computer systems
  • Network design
  • Online learning

Samuel Tanner

Professor in the School of Criminology

Université de Montréal

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Samuel Tanner, a full professor at the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal, is also a regular researcher at the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology (OBVIA) and a member of CÉRIUM. He is the founder and head of the Technology, Activism, and Security Research Laboratory (LarTAS). His recent research interests focus on digital vigilantism, as well as the role of digital platforms in the production and dissemination of far-right discourse.

  • Impact of technologies on security
  • Violent extremism
  • Social movements
  • Digital cultures and security
  • New technologies
  • Information technologies
  • Control, organizations, and technological cultures
  • Disinformation

Laboratoire de recherche sur la Technologie, l’Activisme et la Sécurité (LarTAS)

Simon Beaudry

Dean of Research and Creation

Dean’s Office of Research and Creation

Université du Québec en Outaouais

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Holder of a Ph.D. in psychology, Simon Beaudry has built a career in strategic management and research support. At the University of Ottawa, he served for twelve years as Director of the INSPIRE scientific platform, advancing research at the intersection of social neuroscience and psychophysiology. From 2021 to 2024, he held a Research Chair in University Pedagogy and co-founded the University of Ottawa’s Data Literacy Research Institute in 2023. A recipient of multiple teaching awards, he also co-leads a multidisciplinary laboratory in communication and social psychology, bringing together student researchers from various fields.

As Dean of Research and Creation at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, Dr. Beaudry now oversees all faculty activities related to research support, financial administration, partnership development, innovation support, and strategic initiatives.

  • Data literacy
  • Human motivation
  • Social psychology
  • University pedagogy
  • Academic resilience

Simon Dermarkar

Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting

HEC Montréal

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Simon Dermarkar is a CPA auditor, lawyer, and Associate Professor at HEC Montréal, where he leads a task force on the implementation of AI in teaching and research. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in accounting from Laval University. Before pursuing his doctoral studies, he worked in financial audit at a large accounting firm. He is a member of the Programs Committee and the Discipline Committee of the Ordre des CPA du Québec. His research interests focus on regulating professional accounting and auditing practices, as well as governance in organizations overseeing this regulation. He is also interested in the impacts of digital transformation on the accounting profession and the evolving mechanisms of accountability in sustainable development, particularly regarding the protection of personal information.

  • Audit
  • Financial accounting
  • Digital transformation of the accounting profession
  • Commercialization of audit services
  • Regulatory developments in the accounting professio

Soumaya Cherkaoui

Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Soumaya Cherkaoui is a full professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal. Before joining academia as a professor in 1999, she worked in industry as a project manager for the aerospace industry. Her research focuses on secure and privacy-preserving network intelligence, edge intelligence, and federated learning. Her research has applications in various sectors such as communication networks, IoT, industrial IoT, automated vehicles, and the power grid. Her work has led to technology transfers to companies and patented technologies. In 2020, she was appointed by the IEEE Communications Society as the chair of the IoT & Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks technical committee, and in 2021, she was named an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer. She received the Mirela Notare Award in 2023, the IEEE Bio-Inspired Computing STC Leadership Award in 2023, and was recognized as a “Star” by N2Women. She is an emeritus member of the MITACS Research Council.

  • Convergence of communication networks and artificial intelligence
  • Connected artificial intelligence (security, sustainability, trust)
  • Federated learning (efficiency, security, privacy, and applications: e.g., autonomous vehicles, IoT, industrial IoT).
  • Quantum machine learning and applications (e.g., cybersecurity)

Tarek Ould-Bachir

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Polytechnique Montréal

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Tarek Ould-Bachir holds an M.Sc.A. and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnique Montréal, obtained in 2008 and 2013 respectively. From 2007 to 2018, he held various positions in the Research and Development department of OPAL-RT Technologies. From 2018 to 2020, he was a research associate at Polytechnique Montréal. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal.

  • Computer architecture and design
  • Very large scale integrated (VLSI) systems
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Control systems
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Modeling and simulation studies
  • Digital systems
  • High-level synthesis
  • Real-time systems
  • Embedded systems
  • Cyber-physical systems
  • Cyber-physical system security
  • Computer arithmetic
  • High-performance computing
  • Computer architecture
  • Specialized architectures
  • Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)

Vincent Gautrais

Professor in the Faculty of Law

Université de Montréal

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Vincent Gautrais is a full professor at the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Center for Public Law Research (CRDP), where he served as director for 8 years (2014 – 2022). Since June 1, 2015, he has held the L.R. Wilson Chair on Information Technology Law and E-Commerce. He teaches several courses in business law and technology law. Since 1992, he has conducted research, delivered lectures, authored books, and published works related to electronic business law, electronic contracts, cyberconsumerism, network security, Internet dispute resolution, intellectual property, and privacy.

From June 1, 2005, to May 31, 2015, he held the Université de Montréal Excellence Chair in Security and Electronic Business Law. Previously, Vincent Gautrais was a professor at the University of Ottawa, Common Law Section. He graduated from the University of Rennes 1 in France (Bachelor’s, Master’s) and the Université de Montréal (LLD, LLM, LLB). His doctoral thesis, published in 2002 by Bruylant (Brussels), is titled “The International Electronic Contract.” He is also a lawyer at the Québec Bar association.

  • Legal aspects of information and communication technologies
  • Digital normativity
  • E-commerce
  • Electronic contracts
  • Cyberconsumerism
  • Privacy and the Internet
  • Computer security

Vincent Grégoire

Associate Professor in the Department of Finance

HEC Montréal

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Vincent Grégoire is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at HEC Montréal, where he holds the professorship in Financial Big Data Analysis. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of British Columbia and degrees in Computer Engineering and Financial Engineering from Laval University. Through his work, he seeks to understand the issues related to cybersecurity and their impacts to contribute to the improvement of cyber resilience in financial markets.

  • Information economics
  • Market microstructure
  • Analysis of financial big data
  • Cybersecurity and finance
  • Machine learning applications in finance


Yves Joanette

Professor in the School of Medicine

Deputy Vice-Rector, Research

Université de Montréal

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Dr. Yves Joanette is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Université de Montréal. In 2019, he was appointed as the inaugural Director of the Digital Health Consortium at the university and subsequently as Deputy Vice-Rector for Research since June 2020. From 2011 to 2019, he served as the Scientific Director of the Institute of Aging at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Previously, he was the President and CEO of the Quebec Health Research Fund and Chairman of its Board of Directors, after serving for over ten years as the Director of Research at the Montreal Geriatric University Institute.

Dr. Yves Joanette is a founding member of the World Dementia Council and served as its president from 2016 to 2018. A globally recognized researcher, Dr. Joanette’s research team focuses on the aging process and cognitive disorders in the elderly, particularly related to communication skills. He is interested in both the neurofunctional basis of normal cognitive aging and the impacts of focal and neurodegenerative lesions. Together with his team, he actively contributes to the dissemination of research results and the introduction of exemplary clinical practices.

A CIHR Fellow and Scientist from 1982 to 1992, and a member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Dr. Yves Joanette has received several honors, including honorary doctorates from the University of Lyon (France) and the University of Ottawa.

  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Communication
  • Aging
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Functional Neuroimaging
  • Technological Innovations